Financial and Insurance Information

financial infoThank you for selecting our office for your periodontal care.  We are committed to providing the highest level of quality, preventative treatment.

Please understand that payment for services rendered is part of your treatment.  Outlined below is our financial policy.  Please read it carefully.

Financial Policy

  • full payment is due at the time of service.
  • we accept cash, cheques, debit, Visa, and MasterCard

In the best interest of your dental health, your treatment plan will be based on the diagnosis made by your doctor and you will be informed of the estimated cost of your treatment.

Even if you have dental insurance, your treatment will not be dictated by available benefits.  We will gladly assist you in collecting insurance reimbursement. Upon request, we can obtain a pre-determination of dental benefits prior to treatment.  Be aware, however, that a pre-determination is not a guarantee of payment, and that you are directly responsible for the payment of all fees.