Dr. Jennifer Côté Burnaby Periodontist | Receding Gums

Gingival recession, Receding gums, more formally referred to as gingival recession, happens when the roots of the teeth are partially exposed due to a loss of gum tissue, or do to the gum tissues retracting away from the crown of the tooth. In addition to being aesthetically unpleasing, receding gums can lead to increased sensitivity of the tooth and tooth root, decay and even tooth and bone loss if left untreated long enough.

While genetics may play a part in a patient developing receding gums, this condition is largely preventable. Being gentle while brushing around the gum line is recommended, as well as refraining from using a toothbrush with excessively coarse bristles. Maintaining proper oral hygiene is also important, as plaque and calculus buildup around and under the gumline can also contribute to gum recession.Gingival recession is sometimes a result of untreated gum disease.  Regular brushing and flossing, as well as maintaining dental visits twice a year for cleanings can go a long way to prevent decay, gum disease and gum recession.

Fortunately, there are many treatment options available to correct gingival recession.

  • ‘Scaling and root planing’  is a procedure used to remove bacteria, plaque and tartar buildup that has accumulated underneath the gum line. Scaling and root planing is considered a deep cleaning, and differs from a regular cleaning in that regular dental cleanings focus more on polishing the surface of the teeth and in between teeth rather than cleaning in the deep pockets below the gum line.
  • ‘Gum grafting’ is a technique used to reconstruct lost gum tissue. A thin piece of tissue is taken, usually from the roof of the mouth, or gently moved over from adjacent areas, to provide a stable band of attached gingiva around the tooth. The gingival graft may be placed in such a way as to cover the exposed portion of the root.

If you live in the Vancouver area and have receding gums, you may be referred to Dr. Côté. Dr. Côté has successfully treated many patients with gingival recession, and will assess your the condition of your teeth and gums to formulate an individualized treatment plan.