What we do: How a periodontist can help transform your smile

Periodontists differ from general dentists in that they have extended education focused on the soft tissue (gums) and bone. Generally, a family dentist will be able to diagnose complex issues such as advanced cases of gum disease, but will refer the patient to a periodontist for treatment. Below is a list of just some of the ways that we help enhance the appearance and function of a patient’s mouth.

  • Implant dentistry. Patients may be suffering from tooth loss due to periodontitis or dental traumas. Dental implants are metal anchors that act as tooth root substitutes. They are surgically placed into the jawbone. Once affixed, they serve as anchors for the prosthetic tooth which will be created for the patient. Prosthetic teeth are designed to mimic the look and function of a natural tooth and blend in seamlessly with the patient’s other teeth.
  • Treatment of periodontal disease. Periodontal disease, when left untreated,can lead  to tooth loss and damage to the underlying bone and gum tissues.  Treatment usually begins with a deep cleaning, called “scaling and root planing,” to remove plaque and tartar deposits on the tooth and below the surface of the gum. The gum tissue can then heal and the inflammation in the periodontal pockets will be alleviated.
  • Gum graft Unfortunately, gum recession can affect a lot of patients with age. Gum recession can lead to root sensitivity, sensitivity to hot and cold foods as well as an unaesthetic appearance to gum and tooth. A gum graft is a proven, effective procedure that results in a healthy band of attached tissue around the tooth. During this procedure, tissue is taken from another area, usually the roof of the mouth, and attached to cover the exposed tooth root.
  • Cosmetic periodontal surgery. Cosmetic periodontal procedures are focused on covering unsightly, sensitive or exposed root surfaces and the prevention of gum recession. Crown lengthening can be used to correct an uneven gum line or gummy smile. Crown lengthening is used to reshape excess gum and bone tissue to expose more of the natural tooth below.

Once referred to our office, Dr. Côté will ensure that you receive compassionate and comprehensive treatment. She will focus not just on treating your existing periodontal disease, but will work with you to help prevent a recurrence. Our team will take your goals for your smile into consideration and formulate a treatment plan to help you achieve those goals and maintain a healthy smile for life.